
These services are made for all animals. If there is any doubt, feel free to contact me.

4 simple questions

This service involves asking four simple questions to your pet. It is ideal if you have a few specific queries or if you want to prepare your pet for an event, such as going on vacation or an important change. However, this service is not suitable for questions that equire looking back at past events in your pet's life. You can choose this service on its own or combine it with a canning service for a morecomprehensive understanding of your pet's condition.

Vous pouvez choisir cette prestation de manière indépendante ou la combiner avec un service de scanning pour une compréhension plus approfondie de l’état de votre animal.


In the dialogue service, I retrieve your pet's memories from its early days to its current life with you. This service follows a specific set of questions while allowing you to ask your own. The dialogue service is always coupled with scanning for a comprehensive evaluation.

Remote : Please provide a photo of your pet's head taken within the last 3 months, its name, age, and how long you have had it. You will receive a written report and, if needed, you can contact me afterwards to ask additional questions.

In-person: The process is the same, with an oral report provided at the end of the session.

The Competition

This service includes multiple communications specifically tailored for competitions:

  • The day before the competition: To prepare your pet and build its confidence
  • The day of the competition: To maintain communication with your pet and address its immediate needs.
  • After your competition : To try to understand its behavior and provide reassurance.

Le scanning

Scanning is a method that can be done remotely or in person.

This technique allows for sensing your animal's current physical pains. Animals have a strong memory of their physical pains and can express them. Therefore, I relay the physical sensations of your animal, which can assist you in consulting an appropriate professional.

However, please note that I am neither a veterinarian nor an osteopath, and I simply convey what the animal makes me feel.

Preparing for Change/Event

This service allows you to prepare your animal for an event such as a move, a trip with you, or simply the announcement of your vacation departure.

It includes a communication the day before, another in the morning, and one more in the evening.

After each session with your animal, I will send you a message to keep you informed of its


While death may frighten some and fascinate others, know that animals do not fear death when it occurs naturally.

Through animal communication, we have the ability to communicate with deceased animals to help you through your grieving process or to convey a message to them. This communication is conducted remotely using a photo of your animal and its name.

However, animal communication can be conducted within 48 hours of the animal's passing or up to 6 months afterward. During this initial 6-month period, the animal may not provide any contact.
After this period, it is entirely possible to communicate with them without any issues.