⚠️ Les délais de traitement sont légèrement allongés pour les communications animales. Prochains créneaux disponibles : semaine du 1er avril. 


Discover below recent articles about me on the internet.

Retour en image sur le Salon du Cheval 2024

En 2024, j’ai eu l’opportunité d’intervenir lors de deux conférences pour le Salon du Cheval de Paris

Découvrez également mon interview avec Kamel Boudra 

Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking on Horserepublic! We covered various topics to delve deeper into animal communication.

Horsyklop also explored animal communication in an article where I discuss my background and the motivations that led me to pursue this profession. 

Anaïs-Cerise, also known as Cavalcades by Nana cerise, tested animal communication and shares her experience in her latest blog post.

Interested in featuring animal communication in one of your articles?
Feel free to contact me. It's always a pleasure to discuss and share my knowledge on this subject!